New Spells for Labyrinth Lord

I’ll be adding a few new spells to my Barrowmaze campaign, mostly for flavor, and since my random generators will be referring to them I’ll add them here if someone else want to use them.

Cleric Spells

Fist of Orcus
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 0
Cracks of deepest darkness appear around the Acolyte’s mace. As it hits its target armor buckles and bones break.
Used by the Acolytes of Orcus. The caster must use a mace. When damaged by the mace the target take an additional 1d6 damage, +1 damage per the caster’s level.

Turgid Flesh
Level: 1
Duration: 1 round per caster level
Range: 0
The Acolyte’s flesh bloats and turns the pale bluish color of a drowned corpse. As arrows strike him he grins and pulls the shafts from his flesh.
Used by the Acolytes of Orcus. Any non-magical missile (like arrows, crossbow bolts, javelins etc) damage to the Acolyte is reduced by 2 for the spell’s duration, but his To Hit chance is reduced by 1 as his limbs stiffen.

Magic-User Spells

Set’s Fang
Level: 1
Duration: 1 Round
Range: 0
A greenish taint covers the Necromancer’s dagger. As he strikes ashes and dust falls from the wounds instead of blood!
Primarily used by the Necromancers of Set. The caster must use a dagger. On his next round after casting the spell a magical poison gather around the dagger’s tip and if he succeed in doing damage to a target with the dagger that round it will take an additional 1d4 damage beside weapon damage. If the target fails a Save vs Poison it will take another 1d4 damage each round for caster level rounds/2 (round up).

Strengthen Undead (reversible)
Level: 1
Duration: Caster level rounds
Range: 10’
Pale streamers of mist form around the skeleton’s bones as the Necromancer chants. Its crumbling bones bind together and it moves with renewed strength!
Primarily used by the Necromancers of Set. The caster gives an undead creature an additional +1 To Hit and reduce AC by as much for the duration of the spell. The reverse of Strengthen Undead is Weaken Undead which gives the target undead creature -1 To Hit and increase AC by as much for the duration of the spell.

Recharge Item
Level: 3
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
As the emerald powder trickles over the wand it pulses with power.
Used to recharge magical items using charges, like for example rods, wands and staffs, in those cases where the item description does not say otherwise. Each casting of the spell recharges the item with 1 charge, takes 1 hour and use up powdered emerald with a value of 100GP.

Soothe the Dead

Level: 1

Range: 20’ + 10’/lvl from caster

Duration: 1 round/lvl

When you cast this spell, by playing on a specially made flute, any mindless undead (skeletons, zombies etc) with 2 or less Hit Dice within the range becomes passive and only sways from side to side at the spot for the duration (the caster must keep playing the flute as a full action). Mindless undead under the control of someone will only be affected if their controller has more fewer levels than the caster of this spell. Any interaction with the undead (attacking, touching, turning etc) will break the spell for that target. Requires a flute made from a human thigh bone.

Bone Powder

Level: 1

Range: touch

Duration: 1 day/lvl The caster fills a brittle flask with 1 lbs of finely ground human bone and enchants it (this takes 1 turn). For the duration of the spell this flask can be thrown as a ranged attack (as an oil flask) at the ground (AC 10), creating a small cloud of swirling bone dust. Anyone in the 5’ square hit by the flask takes 2d4 cold damage. The cold damage affects the 5’ square for a total of 2 rounds.

Frost Gust

Level: 1

Duration: 1 Round

Range: 3’

This spell causes a 3’ long cone of frigid air to shoot out from the caster’s fingertips. The cone shoots out in a 120 degree arc centered on the caster. Any creature in the area of cold takes 1 point of cold damage per caster level (no saving throw) and has its initiative lowered 1 step (to a minimum of zero) for caster level rounds